Funeral flowers in Coalisland


At M Dorman & Son, we can help you arrange a fitting funeral service that provides a respectful tribute to your loved one. We understand that this is a stressful time for the family, which is why we are always available to help plan and arrange every aspect of the service. Contact us for more details.

Sensitive floral arrangements

A personalised floral arrangement is a beautiful way to pay your respects. If you want to send a sympathy bouquet to a friend or relative who has lost a loved one, we are here to help.

Our funeral floral arrangements include:

  • Wreaths
  • Garlands
  • Bouquets
  • Sympathy flowers
  • Church displays
  • Named tributes
  • Floral crosses
  • Speak with our team

    For unique and beautiful funeral floral arrangements, contact M Dorman & Son.
    Address: 47, Loughview Rd, Coalisland, Dungannon, County Tyrone, BT71 4LG
    Phone: 028 8774 0245